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........ published in NEWSLETTER # 54
by Professor G. Rossi, University, Catania (Italy), Dr. N. Harmancioglu, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir (Turkey) and Dr. V. Yevjevich, Colorado State University, Fort Collins (U.S.A.)
Floods are natural hazards whose effects can deeply affect the economic and environmental equilibria of a region. The quality of life of people living in areas close to rivers depends on both the risk that a flood could occur and the reliability of flood mitigation activities.
Two innovations now influence flood hazard mitigation after many decades of lack of significant progress. These are the development of new technologies for real_time flood forecast and warning (based on weather/radars and satellites) and a shift from structural to non_structural flood control measures, due to increased awareness of the importance of protecting the environment from adverse impacts of hydraulic works.
This book (NATO ASI SERIES E257), which contains the material presented at a NATO ASI held in Erice, Italy, in November 1992, is a review of attained results of research intended to improve forecast capability and control of floods. In 772 pages and 40 chapters, the contributors produce a state_of_ the_art in the analysis of flood characteristics, of relevant flood impacts and of the most effective mix of flood control measures. The book presents results of recent research in hydrology, modern techniques for real_time forecast and warning, and ways to control floods in order to reduce negative environmental impacts. A number of case studies of floods in different geographic areas further enhances the subject matter treated in the book.
Scientists and specialists working in the fields of hydrology, environmental protection and hydraulic engineering will find this
publication of interest regarding both theory and practical application.
Reference books: E237, E257