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........ published in NEWSLETTER # 60
by Dr. A.P.Jauho, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark)
Recent years have witnessed a rapid development in nanometer fabrication techniques: two-dimensional systems, quantum wires and dots, and Coulomb blockade structures with almost ideal properties can nowadays be fabricated, and subjected to experimental studies.
For a scientist entering this field there are many questions that need to be answered, such as: How does one fabricate micro/nanostructures of low dimensionality? - How does one perform a nanoscale characterization of these structures? - What are the fundamental properties typical to the structures? - Which new physical processes in nanostructures need to be understood? - What new physical processes may allow us to create new nanostructures?
In an attempt to answer these questions, a NATO Advanced Study Institute was held at the National Taras Schevchenko University, Kiev (Ukraine), in August 1995 on the subject of "Frontiers in Nanoscale Science for Micron/Submicron Devices". It focussed on four separate yet interrelated activities: (i) The development of submicron technologies; (ii) Nanoscale characterization of structures for micron/submicron devices; (iii) Investigation of fundamental properties of micro/nanostructures, and (iv) Development of basic physical understanding of novel nanostructures for micron/submicron devices.
This meeting resulted in a most timely publication in the subject area (NATO ASI SERIES E328).
Reference books: 3-12, B259, E239, E260, E264, E288, E323, E328