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........ published in NEWSLETTER # 58

by Professor A.N. Angelakis, National Foundation for Agricultural Research, Iraklion (Greece) and Professor A.S. Issar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus (Israel)

Since the beginning of man's existence on Earth, the adequancy of available water has been as important as any other factor for man's survival and prosperity. It is not much different today. Assuring an adequate supply of water to an ever-growing and developing population, is a world-wide problem.

This volume (NATO ASI SERIES I36) consists of 16 chapters and comprises comprehensive reviews on: climatic changes and cultural changes in the Shahara, climatic changes in the Spanish central zone, global warming and gas transfer at the air-water interface, climatic change during the Holocene in the Mediterranean, Quaternary periodicities of drought in Greece, cyclic climatic changes in Cyprus, ancient Greek solutions for avoiding water shortages, the status of water resources in Minoan times, response of hydrological systems in central Italy to climatic variations, regional climatic change impacts to hydrology and water resources, catchment hydrological sensitivities to climatic changes, the impact of climatic changes on moisture availability in arid lands, perspectives for future crop water requirements in Spain, coastal ocean water resources and climatic changes, impact of climatic changes to coastal water quality, and management of water resources and wastewater reuse in Palma da Mallorca. Emphasis is given to: paleoenvironments of arid land, climate-water-man interactions, water resources in the Minoan era, ancient Greek examples for avoiding water shortages, climatic changes in the eastern Mediterranean region since 5000 B.C., climatic evolution in ancient civilizations based on fossil studies, and impact of climatic changes on coastal and groundwater.

The book is aimed at civil and agricultural engineers, hydrologists, geologists, environmental scientists and research scientists. It is also useful as a reference volume for consulting engineers, agriculturists, environmentalists as well as students at colleges and universities studying environmental and water sciences.
Reference books: 2-7, D11, E124, E237, G26, G29, I36

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