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A 16
Amino Acids as Chemical Transmitters
Edited by F. Fonnum. Proc. of ASI, Oslo (Norway), 1977
1978, 747 pp. ISBN 0-306-35616-3
US $ 49.50 (outside US $ 59.40)
A 48
Neurotransmitter Interaction and Compartmentation
Edited by H.D. Bradford. Proc. of ASI, Powys (U.K.), 1981
1982, 852 pp. ISBN 0-306-41015-X
US $ 95.00 (outside US $ 114.00)
A 194
Sensory Transduction
Edited by A. Borsellino, L. Cervetto and V. Torre. Proc. of ASI, Erice (Italy), 1988
1990, 271 pp. ISBN 0-306-43677-9
US $ 75.00 (outside US $ 90.00)
B 170
Physics and Applications of Quantum Wells and Superlattices
Edited by E.E. Mendez, K. Von Klitzing. Proc. of ASI, Erice (Italy), 1987
1988, 458 pp. ISBN 0_306_42823_7
US $ 89.50 (outside US $ 107.00)
B 179
Interfaces, Quantum Wells and Superlattices
Edited by C.R. Leavens, R. Taylor. Proc. of ASI, Banff (Canada), 1987
1988, 403 pp. ISBN 0_306_42983_7
US $ 79.50 (outside US $ 95.40)
B 253
Condensed Systems of Low Dimensionality
Edited by J.L. Beeby, et al.. Proc. of ARW, Marmaris (Turkey), 1990
1991, 830 pp. ISBN 0_306_43887_9
US $ 159.50 (outside US $ 191.40)
B 281
Low_Dimensional Structures in Semiconductors: From Basic Physics to Applications
Edited by A.R. Peaker, H.G. Grimmeiss. Proc. of ASI, Erice (Italy), 1990
1992, 226 pp. ISBN 0_306_44086_5
US $ 69.50 (outside US $ 83.40)
B 285
Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics in the Eighties and Future Prospects (I. NATO Science Forum)
Edited by L. Esaki. Proc. of ARW, Biarritz (France), 1990
1992, 708 pp. ISBN 0_306_44119_5
US $ 149.50 (outside US $ 179.40)
B 288
Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells
Edited by E. Rosencher, B. Vinter, B. Levine. Proc. of ARW, Cargese (France), 1991
1992, 345 pp. ISBN 0_306_44204_3
US $ 95.00 (outside US $ 114.00)
E 23
Nitrogen Ceramics
Edited by F.L. Riley. Proc. of ASI, Kent/Canterbury (U.K.), 1976
1977, 716 pp. ISBN 90_286_0697_1
Dfl 120.00 (US $ 60.00)
E 30
Stress Corrosion Research
Edited by H. Arup, R.N. Parkins. Proc. of ASI, Lyngby (Denmark), 1975
1979, 271 pp. ISBN 90_286_0647_5
Dfl 60.00 (US $ 30.00)
E 65
Nitrogen Ceramics
Edited by F.L. Riley. Proc. of ASI, Falmer (England), 1981
1983, 814 pp. ISBN 90_247_2828_2
Dfl 230.00 (US $ 100.00)
E 97
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics of Turbomachinery (Part 1 and Part 2)
Edited by A.S. Ucer, P. Stow and Ch. Hirsch. Proc. of ASI, Izmir (Turkey), 1984
1985, 1104 pp. ISBN 90_247_3221_2 / 90_247_3222_0
Dfl 395.00 (US $ 148.00)
E 170
Structure_Property Relationships in Surface_Modified Ceramics
Edited by C.J. McHargue, R. Kossowsky and W.O. Hofer. Proc. of ASI, Il Ciocco, Lucca (Italy), 1988
1989, 522 pp. ISBN 0_7923_0310_5
Dfl 270.00
E 173
Surfaces and Interfaces of Ceramic Materials
Edited by L.C. Dufour, C. Monty and G. Petot_Ervas. Proc. of ASI, Oleron (France), 1988
1989, 806 pp. ISBN 0_7923_0447_0
Dfl 395.00 (US $ 197.50)
E 179
Diffusion in Materials
Edited by A.L. Laskar, J.L. Bocquet, G. Brebec, C. Monty. Proc. of ASI, Aussois (France), 1989
1990, 687 pp. ISBN 0_7923_0653_8
Dfl 315.00 (US $ 174.00)
E 184
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Related Methods
Edited by R.J. Behm, N. Garcia and H. Rohrer. Proc. of ASI, Erice (Italy), 1989
1990, 525 pp. ISBN 0_7923_0861_1
Dfl 255.00 (US $ 149.00)
E 185
The Physics and Chemistry of Carbides, Nitrides and Borides
Edited by R. Freer. Proc. of ARW, Manchester (U.K.), 1989
1990, 734 pp. ISBN 0_7923_0870_0
Dfl 335.00 (US $ 195.00)
E 241
Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Behaviour of Advanced Ceramics
Edited by G.A. Schneider, G. Petzow. Proc. of ARW, Munich (Germany), 1992
1993, 588 pp. ISBN 0_7923_2361_0
Dfl 390.00 (US $ 238.00)
E 243
Semiconductor Interfaces at the Sub_Nanometer Scale
Edited by H.W.M. Salemink, M.D. Pashley. Proc. of ARW, Riva del Garda (Italy), 1992
1993, 256 pp. ISBN 0_7923_2397_1
Dfl 195.00 (US $ 119.00)
E 255
Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes
Edited by P.A. Davies, M.J. Valente Neves. Proc. of ARW, Viano do Castello (Portugal), 1993
1994, 514 pp. ISBN 0_7928_2699_7
Dfl 355.00 (US $ 199.00)
E 267
Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics: Measurement and Modelling
Edited by K.G. Nickel. Proc. of ARW, Tubingen (Germany), 1993
1994, 468 pp. ISBN 0_7923_2838_8
Dfl 350.00 (US $ 205.00)
E 270
Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics and Devices
Edited by H.C. Liu, B.F. Levine, J.Y. Andersson. Proc. of ARW, Whistler (Canada), 1993
1994, 578 pp. ISBN 0_7923_2877_9
Dfl 395.00 (US $ 230.00)
F 21
Intelligent Decision Aids in Process Environments
Edited by E. Hollnagel, G. Mancini and D.D. Woods. Proc. of ASI, San Miniato (Italy), 1985
1986, 524 pp. ISBN 3_540_13922_2 / 0_387_13922_2
DM 172.00 (US $ 78.20)
F 67
Designing Hypermedia for Learning
Edited by D.H. Jonassen, H. Mandl. Proc. of ARW, Rottenburg (Germany), 1989
1990, 457 pp. ISBN 3_540_52958_6 / 0_387_52958_6
DM 128.00
F 81
Cognitive Tools for Learning
Edited by P.A.M. Kommers, D.H. Jonassen, J. Terry Mayes. Proc. of ARW, Enschede (The Netherlands), 1990
1992, 276 pp. ISBN 3_540_55045_3 / 0_387_55045_3
DM 98.00
F 87
Cognitive Modelling and Interactive Environments in Language Learning
Edited by F.L. Engel, D.G. Bouwhuis, T. Bosser, G. D'Ydewalle. Proc. of ARW, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 1990
1992, 310 pp. ISBN 3_540_55559_5 / 0_387_55559_5
DM 128.00
F 114
Intelligent Systems: Safety, Reliability and Maintainability Issues
Edited by O. Kaynak, G. Honderd, E. Grant. Proc. of ARW, Izmir (Turkey), 1992
1994, 340 pp. ISBN 3_540_56993_6 / 0_387_56993_6
DM 124.00
F 120
Reliability and Safety Assessment of Dynamic Process Systems
Edited by T. Aldemir, et al.. Proc. of ARW, Kusadasi_Aydin (Turkey), 1992
1994, 242 pp. ISBN 3_540_57148_5 / 0_387_57148_5
DM 89.00
F 125
Student Modelling: The Key to Individualized Knowledge_Based Instruction
Edited by J.E. Greer, G.I. McCalla. Proc. of ARW, Sainte_Adele, Quebec (Canada), 1991
1994, 383 pp. ISBN 3_540_57510_3 / 0_387_57510_3
DM 138.00
F 129
Human_Machine Communication for Educational Systems Design
Edited by M.D. Brouwer_Janse, T.L. Harrington. Proc. of ASI, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 1993
1994, 342 pp. ISBN 3_540_57748_3 / 0_387_57748_3
DM 118.00