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........ published in NEWSLETTER # 51
by Dr. H.C. Liu, National Research Council, Ottawa (Canada), and Dr. B.F. Levine, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill (U.S.A.), and Dr. J.Y. Andersson, Industrial Microelectronic Center, Kista (Sweden)
This ASI volume (NATO ASI SERIES E270) contains papers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `Quantum Well Intersubband Transitionb Physics and Devices' held on 7_10 September 1993 in Whistler, Canada. Intersubband transitions in quantum wells have attracted tremendous attention over the past few years, mainly due to the promise of various applications in the mid_ and far_infrared regions (2_20 microns). Papers presented in the workshop cover many aspects of the intersubband transitions. Many papers are on the basic linear intersubband transition processes, detector physics, and detector applications. This reflects the current status of understanding and of detector applications. Indeed, highly uniform large focal plane arrays have been demonstrated in several laboratories. With the improvement of performance, detectors and arrays should find many practical applications. Other areas of applications are still in their early stages, which include infrared modulation, harmonic generation, emission, and other nonlinear effects. Undoubtedly, these areas will expand in the coming years.
Reference books: B170, B179, B288, E270